188 Search Results for "marriage"

To be young, Orthodox and openly gay

NEW YORK — Though he had lots of friends, Amram Altzman still felt alone at Ramaz High School. As a 16- year-old sophomore at the modern- Orthodox Manhattan institution, Altzman worried about what people would think, whether they would accept him, if they knew he was gay. “Being gay and…

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Torah Queeries

“I came across a book called Torah Queeries and I spent some time a couple of summers ago at a week-long institute where I took a course where that book was the subject of the conversations and study. I found it so compelling, interesting and engrossing that I decided it could…

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What the DOMA Decision Means for Boston Jews

And the Lord God said: It is not good for the human (Adam) to be alone                  lo-tov h’yiot h’Adam l’vado I will make for the human a help-mate                            …

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What I Learned from Isaiah, or: A Queer Jew Returns from DC

Editor’s Note: Guest blogger Joanna Ware is a queer Jewish community organizer, activist, and rabble rouser at Keshet, a Boston-based non-profit building community locally and creating change nationally, working for the full inclusion of GLBT Jews in Jewish communities. In the days leading up to last weekend’s National Equality March, I…

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Whole Self Movement

The first thing you learn about Rabbi Becky Silverstein is that despite the “Becky,” he uses male pronouns. Upon meeting him, you might see what he calls “a female-bodied person” wearing clothing typically associated with men: jackets, slacks, a snazzy tie. That Becky is a “he” is the occasion for…

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Those who bemoan Jewish assimilation and fret about the declining rates of affiliation among younger Jews would be wise to look at the findings of a study initiated by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation and recently conducted by the Human Rights Campaign. The Jewish Organization Equality Index found…

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