188 Search Results for "marriage"

Maura Pfefferman and the Changing Face of Our Jewish Community

12 years ago, I was invited to the Jewish federations’ national Young Leadership Division (YLD) conference to participate in a session called “Alternative Faces of Judaism.” I was representing Keshet, the LGBT Jewish inclusion organization I lead, and I opened my remarks with what I thought was a witty observation: “I did…

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Liberals Taking Historic Change In Stride

Two minutes after the clock struck midnight on May 1, Fran and Anna Simon became the first LGBT couple in Colorado to legally unite, under the state’s new civil union law. The Simons had already had a Jewish wedding ceremony eight years earlier replete with chupah, rabbi and stepped-on glasses.…

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Religious freedom vs. gay rights: The picture-book edition

Where is the line between respecting diverse religious beliefs and violating the rights and dignity of gays and lesbians? The question came to the forefront last week with Arizona’s SB 1062, which the governor vetoed after it provoked a national uproar. The Arizona bill, described by its detractors as the…

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Religion and gay rights collide over children’s book

JTA—Where is the line between respecting diverse religious beliefs and violating the rights and dignity of gays and lesbians? The question came to the forefront last week with Arizona’s SB 1062, which the governor vetoed after it provoked a national uproar. The Arizona bill, described by its detractors as the…

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Stuart Milk inspires Jewish LGBT leaders

Stuart Milk, the openly gay nephew of the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, inspired a new generation of queer Jewish activists poised to open a new chapter of the LGBT Jew- ish movement. Stuart Milk stood before an estimated 50 LGBT Jewish activists and talked about his uncle’s activism…

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Coming Out for Purim

Nate has a dilemma: Purim is coming, and the other boys in his Hebrew school class are all going to dress as superheroes, but Nate wants to be an alien. What to do? With the help of his Daddy and Abba, Nate figures out a solution that delights everyone. And…

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Synagogues working to be more open to gays

NEW YORK (JTA) — The newsletter sent out last month by Temple Israel of New Rochelle contained the usual sort of announcements, including a reminder about the synagogue’s upcoming Purim carnival, mazal tovs and condolences, and nformation about a social event at a local steakhouse. But a small notice about…

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The White House Jewish Liaison Who Waves the Rainbow Flag

NEW YORK – Matt Nosanchuk knows from pressure. As associate director of the White House’s Office of Public Engagement, Nosanchuk represents President Obama to the Jewish community. Every fractious part of it. Sometimes, like while watching Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin light candles at last December’s White House Hanukkah party, his job is…

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