188 Search Results for "marriage"

Moses Has Two Mommies

Tonight is the first night of Passover, when Jews around the world gather to celebrate freedom from slavery in Egypt, under the leadership of a man who had two mommies. Moses and his sister Miriam, the story in Exodus tells us, were born to a Hebrew woman. The Egyptian pharaoh,…

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For Trump, ‘religious liberty’ could mean curtailing freedoms

NEW YORK — United States President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on“religious liberty” Thursday. However, say some legal scholars and Jewish community leaders, while it may be about religion, it certainly isn’t about liberty. According to draft language leaked six weeks ago to The Nation, discriminatory…

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Film on gay Jewish student shown at State House event

Shulamit Izen and the filmmakers attend a special screening State legislators viewed “Hineini,” a documentary on a gay student’s “coming out” at a Boston area Jewish day school, and discussed the film with the student, Shulamit Izen, and the filmmakers at a special screening at the State House last week.…

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Keshet Is In Demand

Back in 2005 Keshet was a small Jamaica Plain-based organization focused on advocating for LGBT inclusion within the Jewish community in the Boston area; its executive director, Idit Klein, was the organization’s lone full time employee. That year Keshet, working with director Irena Fayngold, released a documentary film, Hineini, chronicling the…

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Educators learn ways to welcome GLBT Jews into the community

ATLANTA (JTA) – Let’s say you get a memo from work, a Jewish organization, instructing you to leave home any part of your identity that doesn’t conform to Jewish tradition. Sure, there’s room for interpretation. But let’s just say you’re gay. Or lesbian. Or transsexual. And you’re pretty sure you…

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Jewish and Queer…and holding the Tension

As my title suggests, I’m Jewish and queer. Well, more specifically, I’m a trans-masculine, gender queer, queer community organizer. I’m also a Midwestern, Ashkenazi Jew who was raised in a reform, Zionist household. Without going into everything, it’s fair to say I often haven’t felt comfortable bringing my multi-layered self…

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Jewish Book Project Offers Free Purim Picture Book with Gay Dads

One of the more delightful recent picture books featuring a child with LGBT parents is Elisabeth Kushner’s The Purim Superhero, about a child with gay dads celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim. I wrote about the book last year when it was first published — and am pleased to see…

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New Children’s Book Shows Gay Family within Jewish Tradition

(Originally published as my Mombian newspaper column. The Jewish holiday of Purim begins this year on the evening of Saturday, February 23.) It is a truism in the LGBT community to say that we need LGBT-inclusive children’s books so our kids see images of families like theirs. Yet with few…

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