188 Search Results for "marriage"

For Interfaith Gay Couples, Just One Obstacle Is Cleared

    OSSINING, N.Y. — One morning last summer, Connie Knapp got a phone call from her minister. Several days earlier, the Supreme Court had handed down a ruling fortifying the movement for same- sex marriage. Her pastor, the Rev. Chip Low, had a feeling that Ms. Knapp and her…

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A journey of many paths: Stories of LGBT religious lives in Colorado

Many faithful people don’t need to think twice about how spirituality plays out in their everyday lives and relationships — but for LGBT people, faith and life are deeply intertwined when we’re forced to reflect and reconcile a religious community and LGBT community that don’t see eye- to-eye. We hear about…

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A Not-So-Super Hero?

PJ Library is a national organization that sends free, Jewish-themed books to families around the country. Each month a new book is delivered. This year, “The Purim Superhero” (link below) was offered for free by request only. While some members of the Jewish community hailed this decision, many others thought…

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Battle over Purim children’s book with two dads

The line between respecting diverse religious beliefs and violating the rights and dignity of gays and lesbians is at the center of a debate between gay advocates and the PJ Library over a children’s picture book featuring a family with two fathers. “The Purim Superhero,” by Elisabeth Kushner, was published…

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Idit Klein, Founder of Keshet

Bio: Idit Klein has been an activist for equality and social justice for the past 20 years. Since 2001, she has served as Executive Director of Keshet. In Massachusetts, Idit helped mobilize Massachusetts rabbis and synagogue members to defeat the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. She also served…

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For LGBTQ Families, Support and Friendship

Fourteen years ago, when Nancy Smith’s son was a senior in high school, he told his parents he was gay. “It was a surprise to us. It wasn’t something we were suspecting,” says Smith. “We both had our own reactions and our own processes. This was years ago. Even though…

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LGBT Leaders Here Mixing Sorrow With Action

Just hours after the shooting rampage at an Orlando gay nightclub that left 49 dead and 53 injured, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah (CBST), the oldest and largest LGBT congregation in New York, joined a vigil in the West Village with hundreds of others to mourn the…

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