28 Search Results for "sermon"

Community Belonging Guide for Synagogues

A Guide for LGBTQ+ Belonging for Synagogues Below you will find several suggestions for how to make your synagogue a more inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals and families. These suggestions are organized around the frame of exploring three areas of your synagogue—Culture,…

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Nitzavim: A Memory (Parashat Nitzavim)

Parashat Nitzavim Nitzavim: A Memory (Reprint from 2007) by John E. Hirsch on Friday September 11, 2009 22 Elul 5769 Deuteronomy 29:9 – 30:20   I write this drash in honor of (or is it in memory of) the fiftieth anniversary of my bar mitzvah on 21 September 1957 at…

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The Bumpy Road to High-Drama Holiness (Parashat Miketz)

Parashat Miketz The Bumpy Road to High-Drama Holiness by Maggid Jhos Singer on Friday December 07, 2007 28 Kislev, 5768 Genesis 41:1 – 44:17,Hanukkah   While waiting on the schoolyard the other day for my kids to get out of their classrooms, I was chatting with a little clutch of…

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Cross-Dressing through the Ages (Beit Midrash)

Cross-Dressing through the Ages (Beit Midrash) Submitted by JP Payne    Short Summary of Event: A beit midrash (literally “house of study”) is a place for people to come together and engage with Jewish texts, from Torah, to Talmud, to the medieval sages, and up through modern voices. This event…

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Beyond Stick Figures (Parashat Vayechi)

Parashat Vayechi Beyond Stick Figures by Rabbi Elliot Rose Kukla on Friday January 09, 2009 13 Tevet 5769 Genesis 47:28-50:26 [Reprint of Sermon on Parshat Va’yehi Delivered at the Danforth Jewish Circle, Toronto Canada on January 6, 2007. Archived in Jewish Mosaic’s LGBT Resource Library.] You’re in a mall, a…

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A Well in the Desert (Parashat Vayera)

Parashat Vayera A Well in the Desert by David Katzenelson on Friday November 14, 2008 16 Cheshvan 5769 Genesis 18:1 – 22:24 They are at it again. Sarah and Hagar simply can’t stop fighting. Last week, in parashat Lech Lecha Sarah treated Hagar so harshly that she ran away (Genesis…

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Chant Hallel for Pride

Will you be chanting Hallel this Shabbos? Why recite Hallel? The Orthodox Union website describes Hallel as “six Psalms (113-118), which are said as a unit, on joyous occasions, when the praise of G-d is particularly appropriate.” It goes on to explain that these occasions include the three major festivals…

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Wrestling with Steve Greenberg

“I believe we are living in an age in which the shechinah is becoming visible,” Rabbi Steve Greenberg says. “There are questions we can ask now that we have not been able to ask before.” Greenberg is “the openly gay Orthodox rabbi.” That’s the way he’s referred to in the…

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