188 Search Results for "marriage"

Wrestling Till Dawn (Parashat Vayishlach)

Parashat Vayishlach Wrestling Till Dawn by Joy Ladin on Friday December 04, 2009 17 Kislev 5770 Genesis 32:4 – 36:43 Tradition tells us that the Torah is not simply the story of our ancestors, that its narratives mirror and prefigure our own lives. For me, that’s certainly true of this…

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How can you be gay and Jewish?

I am sometimes asked: “How can you be gay and Jewish? Doesn’t the Bible forbid homosexuality?” Here is my attempt at an answer. At the outset, I am only answering this question as part of a subset of a subset of Jews: religious Jews who feel themselves bound or in…

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Aliyah: Trans(Per)forming Jewish Ritual

The body is nothing more than a garment. When they are naming souls in the upper world and they call out “So-and-So, the daughter of Such-and-Such,” no body yet exists, not even in the womb. Not only that—what about the couplings in Heaven? The books of the kabbalah are full…

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LGBTQ Inclusive Book List for Children and Families

LGBTQ-Inclusive Book List for Children and Families KESHET RESOURCES THE PURIM SUPERHERO Nate has a Purim dilemma. He loves aliens and really wants to wear an alien costume for Purim, but his friends are all dressing as superheroes and he wants to fit in. What will he do? With the…

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A Covenant of Same-Sex Nisu’in and Kiddushin

As part of my rabbinical studies my mentor Reb Daniel Siegel asked me to compose a kidushin ve’nisuin, a wedding, for same-sex couples grounded in the Halakha. For most of my life I was angry towards the Halakha, the Jewish law, as it was presented to me in Israel, where…

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