188 Search Results for "marriage"

The First Commandment Revisited (Parashat Yitro)

Parashat Yitro The First Commandment Revisited by Rabbi Seth Goren on Saturday January 26, 2008 19 Sh’vat 5768 Exodus 18:1 – 20:23 The giving of the Ten Commandments is a vividly spectacular event. The combination of lightening, thunder, smoke and blaring horns at Mount Sinai echo and flash across time,…

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The Unknown Path (Parashat Lech Lecha)

Parashat Lech Lecha The Unknown Path by Rabbi James Greene on Saturday October 16, 2010 8 Cheshvan 5771 Genesis 12:1 – 17:27 This week’s parshah, Leh Leha, tells the story of Avram and Sarai and their journey into the unknown path. After hearing a call from God telling them to…

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Singing for Our Lives (Parashat Be’Ha’Alotekha)

Parashat Be’Ha’alotekha Singing for Our Lives by Gregg Drinkwater on Friday June 16, 2006 20 Sivan 5766 Numbers 8:1-12:16, Shabbat I’ve always harbored a suspicion that Moses’ sister, the feminist icon Miriam, was a lesbian. Or that at least if she lived today, she would have fit in swimmingly in…

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Silencing Abominable Language (Parashat Re’eh)

Parashat Re’eh Silencing Abominable Language by Rabbi Seth Goren on Saturday August 11, 2007 27 Av, 5767 Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17,Shabbat, 27th of Av, 5767 I have to confess that this week’s portion, almost through no fault of its own, kind of annoys me. It’s not the command to put false prophets…

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Saving Our Youth From the Crocodiles (Parashat Shemot)

Parashat Shemot Saving Our Youth from the Crocodiles by Martin Rawlings-Fein on Friday January 08, 2010 Tevet 22 5770 Exodus 1:1 – 6:1 Shemot, or Names, is this weeks Parashat and in it we follow the life of Moses through birth, exile, and his eventual return to Egypt. We begin…

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Returning to Mitzrayim (Parashat Acharei Mot)

Parashat Acharei Mot Returning to Mitzrayim by Rachel Barenblat on Saturday April 19, 2008 14 Nisan 5768 Leviticus 16:1 – 18:30, Pesach Baseball season recently started up again. For me, the beginning of baseball season is the appropriate time to read Acharei Mot, the knuckleball of all Torah portions. Like…

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Queer Authority (Parashat Nitzavim)

Parashat Nitzavim Queer Authority by Amy Soule on Friday September 24, 2010 16 Tishrei 5771 Deuteronomy 29:9 – 30:20 Coming to Parashiyot Nitzavim and Vayeilech means we have almost come full circle in our annual Torah readings. Throughout these portions many surprising affirmations surface for anyone who might describe themselves…

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Parshat Beshallach; Exodus 13:17-17:16

Parshat Beshallach; Exodus 13:17-17:16 By Rabbi Denise Eger The Children of Israel are finally on their way out from Egypt and servitude and slavery with the arrival of this week’s portion- Beshallach. Our portion begins with a caution about the path that God would send them on. It says, “The…

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Not a Deathly Hallows: A Year of Queer Torah (Parashat Vayikra)

Parashat Vayikra Not a Deathly Hallows: A Year of Queer Torah by Noach Dzmura on Friday March 27, 2009 2 Nisan 5769 Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26 Parashat Vayikra begins the book of Leviticus, which contains a set of processes through which the intrepid desert wanderers hallow themselves to grow close…

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