188 Search Results for "marriage"

Community Belonging Guide for Day Schools

A Guide for LGBTQ+ Belonging for Jewish Day Schools Below you will find several suggestions for how to make your Jewish day school a more inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students, and those who have LGBTQ+ parents and family members. These suggestions are…

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Who Would Moses Marry? (Parashat Bo)

Parashat Bo Who Would Moses Marry? by Amy Soule on Friday January 30, 2009 5 Shevat 5769 Exodus 10:1 – 13:16   So Moses and Aaron returned to Pharaoh. He said to them, “Go on! Worship your God! Who are the ones to go?” Moses replied “We will all go,…

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Miriam: Speaking Truth to Power (Parashat Be’Ha’alotekha)

Parashat Be’Ha’alotekha Miriam: Speaking Truth to Power by Rachel Biale on Saturday June 02, 2007 16 Sivan 5767 Numbers 8:1–12:16, Shabbat   This week’s parasha contains perhaps the most audacious challenge to male authority recorded in the Torah: “And Miriam, and Aaron with her, spoke against Moses concerning the Cushite…

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Vows and Thou (Parashat Matot and Parashat Masei)

Parashat Matot and Parashat Masei Vows and Thou [Reprinted from 2009] by Jo Ellen Green Kaiser on Friday July 09, 2010 27 Tammuz 5770 Numbers 30:2 – 32:42 and Numbers 33:1 – 36:13   At the close of Bamidbar/Numbers, the fourth book of Torah and the last book of the…

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Uncovering Joseph’s Bones (Parashat Vayechi)

Parashat Vayechi Uncovering Joseph’s Bones by Rabbi Jill Hammer on Saturday January 06, 2007 16 Tevet 5767 Genesis 47:28 – 50:26, Shabbat   Joseph is a popular biblical character to “queer” — because rabbinic midrash claims he curls his hair, paints his eyes, and is as beautiful as his mother,…

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To Speak Out Without Shaming the Other (Parshat Vayeshev)

Parshat Vayeshev To speak out without shaming the Other by Cynthia Hoffman on Friday December 11, 2009 25 Kislev 5770 Genesis 37:1 – 40:23   Parshat Vayeshev is loaded with famous bible stories that also get picked up in pop culture. Vayeshev contains: Joseph and his [Technicolor Dream] tunic; Joseph…

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The Gift of the Wilderness (Parashat B’midbar)

Parashat B’midbar The Gift of the Wilderness by Alex Carter on Friday May 30, 2008 25 Iyar 5768 Numbers 1:1 – 4:20   This week’s parsha, B’midbar, begins, as many parshiyot begin, with the words, “G-d spoke to Moses…” But this week, it specifies that G-d spoke to Moses “in…

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