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8/21 – The State of the LGBTQ+ Jewish Community: Praying with Our Vote

August 21, 2024

1pm ET


Price: -

RSVP: Keshet

The impact of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has been devastating for LGBTQ+ individuals and their loved ones. Making the stakes even higher for the 2024 presidential election — for LGBTQ+ people, Jews, People of Color, disabled people, and anyone whose identity is marginalized — truly for all pro-democracy people living in the United States.

At Keshet, we believe respecting the inherent dignity and worth of all people is a values issue and a Jewish mandate. Join Keshet’s Tzedek Tzedek Tir’Vote session “The State of the LGBTQ+ Jewish Community: Praying with Our Vote” to hear from Keshet’s staff about the impact of the current anti-LGBT+ legislation, why voting with our Jewish values is a top priority this fall, and how you and your organization can join this effort.

If you would like to register for all sessions, at once, reach out to [email protected].