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12/1 – Friday Night Services and Dinner with Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Mike Moskowitz

December 1, 2023

5:30 pm

Temple Emunah

9 Piper Road

Lexington, MA

Price: $30 Adults (13+), $15 Children (under 13)

Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat Services, dinner, and a presentation from Rabbi Mike Moskowitz, Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi and LGBTQ+ Activist. Rabbi Rabbi Moskowitz will share what inspired him to combat homophobia and transphobia in religious communities publicly and what he has learned along the way that helps in advancing this holy cause.

Note: Teens are encouraged to attend this talk; there will be a dedicated Teen Table
5:30 pm – Kabbalat Shabbat Services
7 pm – Dinner (reservation required, make sure to RSVP by 11/21)
8 pm – After-dinner presentation, “My Journey as an Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi and LGBTQ+ Activist” with Rabbi Mike Moskowitz.