Categories for Keshet

Loving Trans Youth With All of My Soul

As a proud parent of a transgender child I worry constantly about transphobia and the violence that naturally follows this kind of irrational hatred. As a Jew, I am also triggered by all acts of dehumanization because they contribute to the erasure of God’s identity as our Creator. We are…

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Let’s Write the Next Chapter

I remember what it was like before I read a story like mine.  I was sitting in a park with a friend. As a young, queer, American Jew, I was lamenting the fact that I had seen Jewish stories and queer stories, but no Jewish, queer stories in popular media.…

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Celebrating Queer Jewish Youth

This past weekend, we held our third-annual Midwest LGBTQ+ and Ally Teen Shabbaton! We talked about what it means to live at the intersection of LGBTQ+ and Jewish, we prayed together, played a glow-in-the-dark game of Capture the Flag, and explored how our relationship to our hair is intimately connected…

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Meet Our Team: Jay Smith, Chief Communications Officer

Keshet is made up of a team of dedicated, smart, and fun individuals. Every month, we’re sitting down with one person so that you get to know them a little better! This month, we spoke with Keshet’s Chief Communications Officer Jay Smith. Here’s what they had to say: Keshet: What…

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A Place for All to Dwell | Tazria-Metzora

“When the community is immersed in suffering, a person may not say: I will go to my home and I will eat and drink, and be at peace with myself… Anyone who is distressed together with the community will merit seeing the consolation of the community.” –Ta’anit 11a These words…

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Resistance is Always Possible

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Resistance fighters, vastly outnumbered by Nazis, refused to surrender even though they knew the odds were against them. Their bravery and determination remind us that resistance is always possible. It has been hard to show up as a trans person…

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The Need is Here, and So are We

It’s hard to be queer in Florida right now. When I drive through town, I wonder which one of my neighbors voted to erase my identity. I post on social media about the legislation being introduced in Tallahassee and it doesn’t provoke the outrage that I would expect. I sometimes…

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Dayenu v’lo Dayenu

This Sunday, I had the pleasure of meeting with nearly 100, mostly new friends of Keshet at the homes of our supporters, first in Miami and then in Boca Raton. As I described Keshet’s work, I spoke of when we see our impact and the changes we have made possible…

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