Categories for Keshet

Meet Lenny Goldstein!

Keshet intern, Nuriel Gutman, recently sat down for an interview with Lenny Goldstein—avid cyclist, ambivalent spreadsheet expert, and, most notably, Keshet’s Chief Financial Officer since 2017.  What inspired you to work at Keshet?  Unfortunately, Keshet didn’t exist when I was young. I came of age as a gay man at…

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A Trans Jew in the Mikveh

This d’var Torah was originally shared with Temple Beth Am in Framingham, MA, for their Pride Shabbat on June 7, 2024 Shabbat Shalom. My name is Eli Lurie Sobel, my pronouns are they and he, and I am honored to be joining you this evening. I work for Keshet, an…

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Counting the Omer

This year, I am counting the Omer. I have never counted it before. Counting the Omer is about preparing to receive the Torah. We move from a place of recounting and remembering (the Passover story) to learning and growth (receiving and studying Torah).  I have heard for many years about…

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This Is How Trans Jews Survive

Dear Transgender Jew (or ally), As a trans Jew, myself, I have experienced some of the difficulties as well as moments of joy that come with existing in the intersection of transness and Jewishness. Yet, despite the growing breadth of literature on gay, lesbian, and other queer-identifying Jews, there’s still…

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Celebrating our wins in Florida!

With less of a bang and more of a whimper, the Florida legislative session has come to a close. Thanks to our partners and the Florida Jewish community, we’ve stopped anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in its tracks! Here are some of our monumental wins in Florida and next steps to get involved:…

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Taking a Leap of Faith

As I completed grad school in 2011 with a Master of Social Work, I vividly remember my professors urging us to choose career paths where we could enact profound change within our own communities. Their words resonated deeply with me as a young Jewish woman. I wanted to apply my…

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