Keshet in the News

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Jul 2013 17

The Purim Superhero

Nate loves aliens. But all the other boys in his class are going to dress up as superheroes to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim.

View the original at Inclusive Minds
The Purim Superhero
Jun 2013 28

Looking Beyond the Visionaries

A generation ago, philanthropists and foundations launched a concerted effort to bring more creativity and vitality to Jewish life. They funded visionaries who they hoped would inspire a renaissance in Jewish life. Through vehicles such as Bikkurim: An Incubator for New Jewish Ideas, the Joshua Venture Group, the Wexner Graduate Fellowship and the Bronfman Fellowships, this wave of innovation grew into a flourishing ecosystem of original and inspiring projects and organizations.

View the original at Forward
Looking Beyond the Visionaries
Jun 2013 27

What the DOMA Decision Means for Boston Jews

Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision striking down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) restored previously denied federal rights to legally married same-sex couples across the country. They also issued a ruling that has the effect of overturning California’s Proposition 8, the piece of legislation that denied queer Californians the right to legally marry.

View the original at JewishBoston
What the DOMA Decision Means for Boston Jews