Keshet in the News

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Nov 2005 10

To be young, Jewish and gay

Even a documentary sometimes needs a star, and Shulamit Izen is just that in HINEINI: Coming Out in a Jewish School.

View the original at Bay Windows Online
To be young, Jewish and gay
Nov 2005 8

One girl’s push to form a gay group forced a school to search its soul

Tucked somewhere between the Scrabble Club and the Yiddish Club on the roster of 40 student organizations on the website of Gann Academy, the New Jewish High School of Greater Boston, is this listing for the group Open House: ‘’The gay-straight alliance at Gann Academy advocates for understanding and tolerance and provides a supportive space for discussion and learning.”

View the original at The Boston Globe
One girl’s push to form a gay group forced a school to search its soul
Mar 2005 3

Identidades: El camino del arco iris

Cómo conciliar el judaísmo con el lesbianismo era la pregunta que desvelaba a la norteamericana Idit Klein cuando se acercó a lo que terminó convirtiéndose en Keshet, una ONG de Boston que ahora la tiene como presidenta.

View the original at Página 12
Identidades: El camino del arco iris