Keshet in the News

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Sep 2008 17

DVD release for groundbreaking documentary about Jewish LGBT youth

In 2005 the film Hineini, a documentary about a student at a Boston Jewish day school trying to start a gay/straight alliance (GSA), helped jumpstart a debate on LGBT inclusion in Jewish schools and communities. The film, a collaboration between the Boston-based LGBT Jewish advocacy group Keshet and filmmaker Irena Fayngold, became a powerful teaching tool for Keshet, which has sponsored screenings at schools and synagogues across the country.

View the original at Bay Windows
DVD release for groundbreaking documentary about Jewish LGBT youth
Aug 2008 6

Training educators, rabbis to welcome, affirm gay Jews

Unwittingly, these educators and leaders may be excluding gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Jews from the conversation, the curriculum, and even the institution. Questions and comments like these can make GLBT Jews uncomfortable, and they may see them as disrespectful and upsetting.

View the original at Cleveland Jewish News
Training educators, rabbis to welcome, affirm gay Jews
May 2008 20

Educators learn ways to welcome GLBT Jews into the community

Let’s say you get a memo from work, a Jewish organization, instructing you to leave home any part of your identity that doesn’t conform to Jewish tradition. Sure, there’s room for interpretation. But let’s just say you’re gay. Or lesbian. Or transsexual. And you’re pretty sure you get the subtext. Then what?

View the original at JTA
Educators learn ways to welcome GLBT Jews into the community