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Jul 2010 31

Queer Justice as a Jewish Value

What I loved most about this encounter with the BBYO kids was that it was self-evident to them that they were there because they are Jews and to be a Jew means to stand for justice, including justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people.

View the original at Tikkun Magazine
Queer Justice as a Jewish Value
Jul 2010 8

Stuart Milk inspires Jewish LGBT leaders

Stuart Milk, the openly gay nephew of the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, inspired a new generation of queer Jewish activists poised to open a new chapter of the LGBT Jew- ish movement.

View the original at The Bay Area Reporter
Stuart Milk inspires Jewish LGBT leaders
Jul 2010 8

Passions ignite as LGBT leaders seek common voice

Seated around tables at U.C. Berkeley Hillel, representatives from local, national and international (Israel, Mexico and the U.K.) Jewish LGBT organizations and congregations discussed how to become an actual movement — a lofty idea with goals not easily executed or agreed upon.

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Passions ignite as LGBT leaders seek common voice