Keshet in the News

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Apr 2012 3

Poll: 81% of Jews Back Gay Marriage

It isn’t news that American Jews overwhelmingly support legalizing gay marriage. But a new survey out today puts that level of support at 81%, a few notches higher than previous polls.

View the original at The Jewish Daily Forward
Poll: 81% of Jews Back Gay Marriage
Apr 2012 2

The freaks of J Street

I came to the J Street Conference looking for allies. As a queer Jew who is sternly critical of Israel, but still a staunch Zionist, I was looking forward to meeting some like-minded folks.

View the original at NewVoices: National Jewish Student Magazine
The freaks of J Street
Mar 2012 28

Keshet Cabaret

On March 17, The Keshet Cabaret raised over $145,000 for their work to create a fully inclusive Jewish community for LGBTQ Jews.

View the original at Bay Windows
Keshet Cabaret