Keshet in the News

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Apr 2013 26

Gay Orthodox Jews deserve our support

The Talmud declares that anyone who has no compassion for others is not a descendant of our father Abraham. My mind went to this statement as I read Brian Camenker’s hurtful words (The Jewish Advocate, April 12). 

View the original at The Jewish Advocate
Gay  Orthodox Jews deserve our support
Apr 2013 18

Embracing Diversity as a Unifying Element of the Jewish Future

This exchange typified how much of the broader Jewish community related to Keshet and our work for LGBT inclusion in Jewish life. It also reflected how we initially positioned ourselves: as outsiders, on the margins, disconnected from the center.

View the original at E Jewish Philanthropy
Embracing Diversity as a Unifying Element of the Jewish Future
Apr 2013 14

‘Hineini’ by Any Other Name…

I don't have a problem with the documentary, only the title.

View the original at
‘Hineini’ by Any Other Name…