28 Search Results for "sermon"

Keshet Pride Shabbat Sermon Guide

Developed for Keshet by Leora Spitzer [Download PDF of this resource here] The goal of this guide is to provide some suggestions, themes, and resources for clergy planning to give a sermon about or related to Pride Month. “Queer joy is revolutionary. Protect every spark and feed it until it…

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Erev Rosh Hashanah 5767 Sermon

Please note that language used to describe the LGBTQ community and our experiences has rapidly evolved as LGBTQ lives and experiences have gained more visibility. This resource may contain language/content that is now considered outdated and/or offensive by some. For a list of affirming terms related to LGBTQ inclusion, check…

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Pride Shabbat Planning Guide

Pride is a time to celebrate our resistance and resilience. We stand on the shoulders of our queer and trans Jewish ancestors who survived so that we could thrive. We push back against the harmful rhetoric and policy to show those who don’t believe we should exist that we are…

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Largest Jewish group in America sets rules to embrace transgender people

The biggest Jewish movement in North America has endorsed a policy to embrace transgender people and to campaign against discrimination in a move hailed as a historic step. The biennial conference of the Union for Reform Judaism, meeting in Orlando, Florida, overwhelmingly backed a motion on Thursday detailing specific steps…

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Reform Movement Passes Far-Reaching Resolution on Transgender Jews

On Thursday, the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) unanimously approved the Resolution on the Rights of Transgender and Gender Non-comforming People at its Biennial meeting in Orlando, FL. The declaration follows a history of URJ support for minorities, women, and the gay and lesbian community, including a 1977 resolution that…

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This Teen Had A Gender-Neutral B’nei Mitzvah

(JTA) — When Esther Thorpe came out as gender neutral a year ago, identifying neither as male nor female, Miriam Taylor Thorpe was worried. Esther’s mother already had a child come out as gay and feared that Esther, 14, would have trouble finding a Jewish community that would be accepting…

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Transgender Day of Remembrance

It’s been a very busy beginning of November and I am looking forward to the happy events coming up in December. In the meantime, I would like to share some thoughts about Trans Day of Remembrance which takes place in hundreds of locations around the globe on or around November 20…

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Whole Self Movement

The first thing you learn about Rabbi Becky Silverstein is that despite the “Becky,” he uses male pronouns. Upon meeting him, you might see what he calls “a female-bodied person” wearing clothing typically associated with men: jackets, slacks, a snazzy tie. That Becky is a “he” is the occasion for…

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Celebrate LGBT Pride Month in the Jewish Community

The month of June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, originally designed to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, which were a major turning point for LGBT issues in the United States. Today, Pride Month is observed in communities across the country with parades, festivals, and…

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